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705 N James Rd
Columbus, OH, 43219
United States

Otter Run Nursery & Supplies Inc.

Ohio reclaimed barn wood and lumber resale and furniture manufacturer.


Reclaimed American Wormy Chestnut Plank Table


Our Products are Ohio Reclaimed and Ohio Crafted. We specialize in Ohio Hardwoods. All Of our wood is hand selected for your project and ours.

We value the past to make sure it is value for the future of our children and theirs.

Our products change weekly with the buildings we remove to ensure the future is preserved.   Sustainable products is the key to the future.

Reclaimed American Wormy Chestnut Plank Table


Reclaimed American Wormy Chestnut Plank Table


American Chestnut Table.

2" x 8" planks with cupboard ends.

Wood Reclaimed floor Joist.

2. Benches included.

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